OCEAN-RENDER is a company, based in France, providing consultancies services and Research & Development in the fields of marine engineering, sciences and technologies, based on structural and hydrodynamical modelling, in-situ data acquisition, data processing and analysis, satellite data post-processing and numerical modelling (waves and currents). OCEAN-RENDER provides tailored services to comply with marine operators needs as production costs reduction, risks assessment and anticipation, design of marine structures, marine ecosystems protection, based on a sharp knowledge and added-value analysis of the environmental conditions that interact with the project components. The targeted sectors/entities are fishing and commercial harbours, Marinas, Water sanitation agencies, Desalination plants, Offshore Oil & Gas companies, submarine cables and pipelines operators, Thalassotherapy centres and touristic resorts, Coastal zone development and integrated management, in North Africa, Southern Europe, Western Africa and the Middle East.
For instance, OCEAN-RENDER has been involved recently in the:
- Tunisia-Italy Power Interconnector project (through sub-marine cable) supported by the World Bank, with a significant contribution to the Desktop Marine feasibility study (met-ocean, marine ecology and geology);
- Doha Port redevelopment (Mina District) and Sea Water Diving Pool projects, in Qatar, with the design of marine floating structures and quay walls, environmental impacts assessment and risks assessments
- Protection of Dakar Corniche (Senegal) against erosion induced by sea level rise project (funded by the World Bank in the frame of the West Africa Coastal Areas program), with modelling of the action of the extreme sea waves and swell on the coasts.